Quick access popup portable
Quick access popup portable

quick access popup portable quick access popup portable

Quick Access Popup will create and update the quickaccesspopup.ini file in this folder.Ĥ. EXE file from this folder (choose QuickAccessPopup-32-bit.exe or QuickAccessPopup-64-bit.exe version depending on your system). Just extract the files from the zip file to the folder of your choice (but not in a system-protected folders like those under C:\Program Files or C:\).ģ. Download the zip file under the Portable installation zip file.Ģ. This could prevent QAP from saving your configuration.ġ. Note: You must not install Quick Access Popup in “portable” mode in a system-protected folders like those under C:\Program Files or C:\. This will, for example, allow you to run Quick Access Popup from an external drive or USB key that can be connected to the host system and removed after usage.įollow these instructions to install QAP in portable mode. But you may have specific needs that would require a “portable” installation.īy installing Quick Access Popup in “portable” mode, you can use the application on a host PC without leaving any trace after usage.

quick access popup portable

Most users prefer to install Quick Access Popup with the Easy Setup installation program.

Quick access popup portable